The film MINU MAJA ON MINU MAA is screened at Lindakivi Keskus, Lasnamäe, in the frame of Kunstihoone exhibition "Minu kodu meie linna", curated by Siim Preimann, Tallinn, January 11th, 17h
The darkest part of the year is now behind us. As the days grow brighter, the dark, minimalist, cozy, and warm My Home, Our City exhibition at the Lasnamäe Pavilion – designed with the preceding gloom in mind – also draws to a close. On Saturday, 11 January, the penultimate day of the exhibition, there will be a final curator’s tour, followed by screenings of films by Eleonore de Montesquiou and Diana Tamane in the cinema hall of the Lindakivi Cultural Centre, next to the pavilion.
The exhibition My Home, Our City, curated by Siim Preiman, who has lived in Lasnamäe for years, is inspired by the location of the exhibition pavilion in the most densely populated area of Estonia. Through photos, films, and video games, it reflects on modernism, urban life, loneliness, home, community, and intimacy. During the exhibition tour, the curator will present the background and development of the display and draw visitors’ attention to key points on a symbolic journey from concrete to skin. The tour lasts about an hour and is conducted in Estonian.
Eleonore de Montesquiou’s 2001 film My House Is My Country presents stories of homes in Tallinn. Through the voices of women of different nationalities and ages, the film reveals narratives tied to specific places, sharing people’s dreams and everyday struggles. In the early 2000s, the memory of privatisation was still fresh. The history of homes and the actions associated with them vividly reflect recent major societal changes. People and political systems come and go, but houses remain in place.
The film runs for 38 minutes and is in Estonian and French with English subtitles.
Diana Tamane’s 2022 debut feature-length documentary Under the Same Sky portrays three generations of women: grandmother Tamara, born in Ukraine; mother Irina, born in Latvia; and daughter Sonya, who grew up in Spain. For nearly twenty years, they have lived in the tourist town of Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol in Spain. Between them, they have experienced life in the Soviet Union as well as in a globalised, market-driven Europe, making them a vivid example of the multicultural family dynamics created by geopolitical history.
The film runs for 55 minutes and is in Russian with Estonian subtitles.
15:30 Curator’s tour at the exhibition My Home, Our City
17:00 Eleonore de Montesquiou’s film My House Is My Country
17:50 Diana Tamane’s film Under the Same Sky
Eleonore de Montesquiou 2001. aasta film „Minu maja on minu maa“ koosneb Tallinna kodude lugudest. Eri rahvusest ja vanuses naiste sõnade kaudu avanevad paikadega seotud lood, kuuleme inimeste unistustest ja olmemuredest. Nullindate alguses oli erastamine veel värskelt mälus. Kodude ajalugu ja nendega seotud toimingud kõnelevad selgelt hiljutistest suurtest ühiskondlikest muutustest. Inimesed ja riigikorrad tulevad ning lähevad, aga majad püsivad ikka paigal.
Film kestab 38 minutit ning on eesti ja prantsuse keeles ingliskeelsete subtiitritega.
Diana Tamane 2022. aastal esilinastunud maaliline dokumentaalfilm „Sama taeva all“ portreteerib Ukrainas sündinud vanaema Tamarat, Lätis sündinud ema Irinat ja Hispaanias üles kasvanud tütar Sonyat, kes on nüüdseks ligi kakskümmend aastat elanud Hispaanias Costa del Solis Fuengirola turismilinnas. Kolme peale on nad kogenud elu nii Nõukogude Liidus kui ka globaliseerunud ja turumajanduslikus Euroopas, muutes nad ilmekaks näiteks geopoliitilise ajaloo tekitatud perekonnasisesest mitmekultuursusest.
Film kestab 55 minutit ja on vene keeles eestikeelsete subtiitritega.
15.30 kuraatorituur näitusel „Minu kodu, meie linn“
17.00 Eleonore de Montesquiou „Minu maja on minu maa“
17.50 Diana Tamane film „Sama taeva all“