Oberhausen film festival, Germany videoartatmidnight goes Oberhausen, May 2013

'Videoart at Midnight Edition' will present it's recent issues within the ‘Market Screening’ section of the 59th International Short Film Festival : http://www.kurzfilmtage.de/en/market/screenings/videoart-at-midnight.html.
the 59th International Short Film Festival invited "Videoart at Midnight Edition" to present it's recent issues within the market section of the festival: 
Nuclear Voyage, Armin Linke, IT, 2008, 10'30'' 
FRI, 3. May, Studio, 19.00 
Kiss, Melanie Manchot, GB, 2009, 10'30'' 
SAT, 4. May, Studio 19.00 
Parking, Erik Schmidt, GE, 2001, 8' 
SUN, 5. May, Studio 19.00 
Kinozal, Eléonore de Montesquiou, GE/RU, 2010, 22' 
MON, 6. May, Studio 19.00 



Residencias y exposición sobre identidad europea

cur. Susanne Hinrichs


Artistas participantes: 

Fabian Reimann, Lukas Hofer, Elise Florenty y Marcel Türkowsky, Cécile Ibarra, Pablo Serret de Ena, Antonio R. Montesinos (Residencias)Francis Hunger, Julian Öffler y Paida Larsen, Eleonore de Montesquiou, Filippo Berta, Adi Matei, Ciprian Muresan, Malgosia Markiewicz, Marco Godoy, Klara Hobza, Patricia Reis, Virgile Novarina y Zaza Bertrand. 


# Visions Anatopiques 2 - , IHNA, Paris

Exploration de lieux absents/Don’t Forget to Remember, en collaboration avec le groupe de recherche collectif « Art contemporain et cinéma, XXème-XXIème siècle », le 19 avril à 18h30, à l'auditorium de l'INHA.

Le deuxième volet des « Visions Anatopiques » proposées par Evgenia Giannouri se déploie sous le signe de l’exploration. Qu’il s’agisse des réminiscences d’une expédition scientifique, de la vision prémonitoire d’une inondation à venir, de la (re)découverte d’une ville fantôme ou des surfaces planes et vides des tabloïds publicitaires détournés de leur rôle communicatif initial, les paysages flottent dans un flux indéterminé de temps et d’espace. Les films rassemblés ici offrent un aperçu de ces territoires, habités ou déjà déserts, en voie de disparition.


Stromness de Simon Faithfull (2005)
Atlantis de Pieter Geenen (2008)
Sillamäe d’Eléonore de Montesquiou (2006)
Le Bled (Buildings in a field) de Jem Cohen et Luc Sante (2009)
Titloi Telous (Génériques de fin) de Yorgos Zoïs, (2012) 


Thursday Night Screening at LoBe, Berlin
21.03.2013  19.00 – 23.00
Eléonore de Montesquiou und Uriel Orlow
curator: Elke Falat

Lobe presents Eleonore de Montesquiou who live and works in Berlin and Uriel Orlow who lives and works in London in a screening along side eachother. Both films shown deal with the effects of post-socialist transformation in the former Soviet Union and their voids and spaces. Using documentary techniques and frameworks in an experimental way, they unveil in long static shots the echoes of histories.
Eléonore traces the history of  the radio factory “Radiotehnika” formerly the largest socialist model company for consumer electronics in Riga, which is now abandoned.
The starting point for Uriel Orlow is the Armenian town Mush, which was both the scene for the genocide of 1915 against the Armenians, as well a location for housing projects under Mikhail Gorbachev for the earthquake victims of Spitak in 1988 and since the end of the Soviet Union in 1991 a ghost town like.



Tallinn, mars 2013

curator: Rebeka Pôldsam



commissaire de l'exposition: Karine Vonna Zürcher

8 mars 2013, maison de la catalinité, perpignan

Artistes programmé(e)s : Marina Abramovic, Emmanuelle Antille, Fabienne
Audéoud, Boutheyna Bouslama, Enna Chaton & Céleste Boursier Mougenot, Patty Chang, Éléonore de Montesquiou, Delphine Reist & Cécile Bonnet, Djamel Kokene,
Nina Kovacheva & Valentin Stefanoff, Sigalit Landau, Christina Lucas, Élodie Pong, Pipilotti Rist, Ingrid Wildi...


Cité de l'architecture, Palais de Chaillot, Paris, présente: 

Par exemple Ebenthal

Samedi 09 février 2013 à 15h00

En Autriche, comme partout ailleurs, l’urbain grignote la campagne.  Ebenthal, village de Carinthie situé à deux pas de la frontière Slovène, ne comptait que quelques fermes il y a seulement vingt ans. Aujourd’hui, le village est englouti dans les zones commerciales de Klagenfurt.


Transmediale 2013, in Berlin

presents the film GAZETTE

THU 31.01.2013 - 14:30

Transmediale 2013 - BWPWAP  


2006 war kein gutes Jahr für Pluto - mit der Aberkennung seines vollwertigen Planetenstatus stürzte der Himmelskörper aber nicht nur in eine Identitätskrise, sondern sicherte sich gleichzeitig auch einen besonderen Stellenwert in der (Pop-)Kultur. BWPWAP - Back When Pluto Was A Planet - unter diesem Thema versammelt die transmediale in ihrer 26. Ausgabe internationale Künstler, Denker und Kulturproduzenten, die in Ausstellungen, Performances, Screenings, Diskussionsrunden und Workshops erkunden, welche neuen Richtungen und Chancen sich aus einer Klassifizierungskrise wie dieser ergeben. 29.01. - 03.02.

THU 31.01.2013 - 14:30
Like book printing, film has not evolved very much technically: Film today is shot on 35 mm just like in the 19th century. Though it will soon be displaced by digital formats, digital carriers become obsolete unbelievably quickly. This program is a very short history of the disappearance of carrier media. Disque 957is about records, in its time a very modern medium. Ironically, this is intentionally a silent film; music is transferred in a visual rhythm. Color Sequence is the first flicker film in history, and in color at that. The film medium is reduced to its essential: the changing projection of light. This is experienced completely differently in Projection Instructions, a film that “forces” the projectionist to do a live performance. I am Micro is the story of the Indian film industry, told through its abandoned production facilities. In the elaborate animation / … (liquid paper), the filmmaker cuts through books. The protagonist in Gazetteshows us her collected treasures, every issue of the 17 journals she subscribed to in the Soviet Union, archived precisely in neatly bound piles. In China, the woodcut was a popular form of printing to produce simple propaganda material. In contrast, in the animation Some Actions Which Haven't Been Defined Yet in the Revolution the woodcut is used for a very complex visual reflection on the revolution. The External World is a grim psychogram of a cold world, in which the artist consciously applies obsolete, digital animation techniques. 

Disque 957, Germaine Dulac, fr 1928, 6 min
Color Sequence, Dwinnel Grant, us 1943, 3 min
Projection Instructions, Morgan Fisher, USA 1976, 4 min
I am Micro, Shai Heredia and Shumona Goel, in 2010, 16 min
/... (liquid paper – flüssiges papier), Michel Klöfkorn, de 2010, 4 min
Gazette, Eleonore de Montesquiou, ru/ee 2009, 4 min
Some Actions Which Haven't Been Defined Yet in the Revolution – Yi Chang Ge'g Zhong Hai Wei Lai De Ji Ding Yi De Xing Wei
, Sun Xun, ch 2011, 13 min

The External World, David OReilly, de 2010, 15 min



"un abécédaire contemporain" à la Gaîté Lyrique, le 22 janvier 2013




Festival Rencontres Internationales at Palais de Tokyo (Paris) - 

Lundi 3 décembre - 17H



no festival
Ufa, Russia

presents the films NAINE and KREENHOLM

curator Vika Ilyushkina
